6 Different Crystals to Help Improve Your Health

Various cultures and religions have experienced an affinity for crystals and stones for centuries. This is because crystals can be used for many different purposes. Crystals can influence your moods, relationships, health, wealth, personal development and environment.  Some people choose to wear their crystals and carry their crystals while others choose to keep their crystals safely in their home or in a special place like on their altar.  Your body is composed of the same elements found in crystals and stones. Each part of your body vibrates and emits energy into the space surrounding it. Sometimes there are distortions in the vibrations in different parts of your body.  Crystals and stones emit strong vibrations at constant rates, which can be used to help eliminate, heal or restore proper balance to the disrupted vibrations in your body.  Below are six different types of crystals that can be used to help specific defects found within your body:


Amethyst is a violet/purple variety of quartz crystal. Amethyst can be used to help cleanse blood and assist with breathing problems. Amethyst crystal clusters are used to keep the air and life force in the home clean and positive. It can be also used for protection, to help insomnia and facilitate spiritual and psychic connections. Many healers wear amethyst because it also known to help focus energy.

Raw Amethyst

Raw Amethyst Geode

Amethyst Necklace

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a semi-precious stone which was prized in antiquity especially among the ancient Egyptians.  The Egyptians used to bury their dead with a lapis lazuli scarab for protection in the afterlife.  Presently, Lapis Lazuli can be used to strengthen the immune and skeletal system. It can also be used for balancing thyroid and increasing psychic abilities. Some use this stone to release tension, anxiety and to gain balance and clarity.

Raw Lapis Lazuli

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