Bunk Beds

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about bunk beds. Not for any particular reason, because I certainly don’t have the need for them at this time. But first because when down the shore this Summer, I stayed at a house that had two sets of bunks to fit more people – the kind with a single bed on top and a double bed on the bottom. Then, I started thinking about them last night because I was watching the Real World Challenge show on MTV and they were all choosing their beds – which were bunks.

Both scenarios used bunk beds to fit more people to sleep – which is the purpose of bunk beds, right? But does function have to prevail over style? Not always! I did some searching and found some bunk beds that were more stylish than some than I’ve seen – like the ones shown above.

I do like all of the options that come with bunk beds. Childrens beds don’t have to just be a plain old bed anymore – they can get bunk beds with tons of different options for the underneath – such as a futon, (again, like the bunks above) a desk or armoire. Isn’t it interesting how bunk beds are always for kids rooms or for college dorms? I would save a ton of space and in turn gain more storage if my fiance and I had a bunk bed with a dresser and/or armoire underneath!

Now that I’ve given you my feelings – tell me, what are your thoughts on bunk beds?!


Related posts:

  1. Oak Finish Contemporary Convertible Bunk Bed
  2. Silver Finish Modern Metal Twin Over Futon Bunk Bed
