How Do You Shop for Holiday Decor?

This is a seriously beautiful ornament. Well, at least I think its seriously beautiful. Would you agree?

My only gripe is that it’s $28.00. For one ornament. Now, I don’t think that $28.00 is crazy, crazy expensive for one ornament that I really, really love, but I do wonder – how much I really, really love it. $28 much of love?

Here’s what I’m thinking: You can buy 50 colorful and sparkly ornaments for $15.00 at Target. Granted, each one individually is not as pretty as the ornament from Anthropologie. But together they can be quite lovely. So, is it wrong to buy one single ornament for $28.00? Especially when you only use it for 3-4 weeks out of the year….

My real question here is: what kind of holiday decor shopper are you? We talk a whole lot about shopping for gifts – but what about decor?

Do you splurge on holiday decor or do you stick to a budget and decorate as inexpensively as possible? Or would you buy the case of 50 for $15 and then splurge on the $28 Anthro ornament just because you can’t get it out of your head?!

Related posts:

  1. Gorgeous Glittery Holiday Decor
  2. The Shopper

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