Mattresses with Memory

Last week, a friend and I went to a local furniture store that was holding a bridal event. We were given a bundle of free gifts and a tour of the store. When we got to the part with memory foam mattresses, I expressed my apprehension for these mattresses. Are they too soft? Isn’t it strange to have a mattress that’s so foamy?

Well, my friend has one in her bedroom and she was quick to correct my uncertainty. She said her memory foam mattress is by far the most comfortable mattress she’s ever had and her nights of sleep have been noticeably improved. Still feeling a bit unconvinced, I walked around the store and tested out some of these mattresses.

Needless to say, I’m now hooked. All I have to do is convince my fiance that we absolutely need one of these mattresses and I’m golden. But which one will I choose? I’m thinking one of these double memory foam mattresses is my future – double is always better!

What do you think about memory foam mattresses? Do you have one?


Continued here:

Recipe Radar: Avocado Banana Smoothie

This past weekend was my bridal shower, where I was fortunate enough to receive a Vitamix Blender. Now, I can’t stop scouring the Internet for soups, smoothies, juices – you name it. Did you know the Vitamix heats up the soups? I had no idea and I can’t believe it. Can’t wait to try it out!

Before I venture into soups, I think I’ll start with some smoothies. I’m thinking maybe a smoothie and soup only diet is in my near future, along with some juices…

The first smoothie that’s on my radar is this Avocado Banana Smoothie. I love avocados and this smoothie looks like a great way to include them. The website that the smoothie is from, SmoothieWeb, has a ton of other great smoothie recipes if you don’t like avocados, or are interested in more.

Do you make smoothies often? What are your favorite recipes?

See original here: