Photo Display: Love this Look?

Although these are actually postcards on display, the look can definitely be recreated with photos as well. Or even art drawings from your kids or magazine clippings to hang as inspiration.

The images above are from a home tour on Apartment Therapy, and the postcard displayed are the collection of the homeowner’s, which likely have sentimental value. I’m loving this way of displaying a collection while adding color and texture to a room. And all they used to create it was some cable and hardware from the hardware store, according to AT.

As I mentioned above, I thought these were photos initially, and that’s what I use if I recreated this look. Personally, I love the feel of fun photos in a home, and I think this is a creative way to put them on display, rather than plain old frames scattered about the house.

What do you think? Do you love this look or could you do without it??


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