Folditure Leaf Chair by Alexander Gendell

A modern and comfortable chair that folds up flat (less than 3/4″ thick!) in a matter of seconds? That’s crazy talk! The Folditure Leaf Chair , designed by architect Alexander Gendell, is perfect for small dwellers or people who want to have extra seating on hand. The folding chair is the ultimate in space saving in that it is super slim in design (when flat) and hangs up in a closet with its convenient hook. You hang it up like you would a coat hanger and the width of four chairs hanging is less than that of a winter coat! Cool, right? It’s made from a durable aluminum composite panel frame and stainless steel hinges and rivets.

Read more here:
Folditure Leaf Chair by Alexander Gendell

Softwood by Veronika Wildgruber

Softwood by Veronika Wildgruber was exhibited at DMY International Design Festival Berlin and consists of a series of chairs carved from solid wood but made to appear like soft pillows. Upon first glance, they trick the viewer into thinking they are soft, comfortable chairs, but upon closer inspection you can see that they are actually hard wood. The idea behind this concept is that you cannot always rely on your perception. © 2010 Design Milk | Posted by Jaime in Home Furnishings | Permalink | 4 comments | Tweet This | Share on Facebook

See the article here:
Softwood by Veronika Wildgruber



This fun chair was inspired by ice cream!  Yup, the Softice has a unique inspiration, but it does provide a cool look and a comfortable seat.  The Softice is designed to have minimalist appeal while still offering lots of comfort while sitting.


This unique chair comes in several fun patterns, some of which are shown here. Its simple geometry is designed to accommodate the human body.  I think they are cool enough to get just to look at though!


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