Extra-Wide Headboards: Love this Look?

Over-sized headboards make a dramatic statement in the bedroom as they easily catch the eye. Whether they’re neutral or in a bright color, it’s the unexpected large size that creates a glamorous modern look.

The first headboard extends wide enough that it passes the ends of the nightstands, while the other two headboards cut off in the middle of the nightstand. The first image also has two matching lamps, while the last two have two matching pendant hanging over each nightstand. All similar layouts but with very different looks!

Do you love the look of these over-sized headboards? Each of these headboards shown above appear to be custom-made items. So, if you had the option to custom make your own headboard – would you go for the extra-wide version or would you stick to the normal width?

[Images: 1 / 2 / 3]

The rest is here: sixdifferentways.com

Would You Rather: One Painted Wall or Four?

If you absolutely had to choose to paint your bedroom in dark grey (or any other dark color), would you rather one dark gray accent wall?Or would you rather all four walls be painted dark grey?

If your bedroom does not have a good amount of natural light, then perhaps its better to stick with just one accent wall. But if you do have some good light, I think dark walls can be brightened with crisp whites and colorful accessories, bedding and rugs.

In the image with the accent wall, the light bounces off the white walls and the bed against the grey enhances the dramatic effect. If the grey wall stood alone without the bed, do you think the effect would be as grand? In the bedroom with all four walls painted grey, there is a lot of light, but there are also a lot of white and colorful accessories, including a bold orange headboard and bedframe.

So, tell us – which of these looks would you rather in your bedroom? How would you do it differently?

Image Sources: 1 / 2

View post: sixdifferentways.com


Acrila makes beautiful dramatic pieces from acrylic. Some of their pieces are borderline tacky, but many of them are simply beautiful and intriguing.

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