Skim Milk: Cuppo by Ideaco

Cuppo is a minimal wall storage design created by Osaka-based company Ideaco . Fortunately, I had the pleasure of recently meeting the founder of the company, Ichiro Haba. He founded the company on the basis of providing smart, innovative designs that are both simple and functional. Most of the products designed by Ideaco are common household items that have been re-invented with improved aesthetic and utility. Cuppo is a prime example of Ideaco’s philosophy toward minimalist, functional design

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Skim Milk: Cuppo by Ideaco


A prime example of great minimalist design, the Conceal Bookshelf makes a statement with its “lack” of design. The design is smart though, which is why I like it, and of course it looks fun too. Your favorite books appear to float right off the wall and best of all these shelves are available for a reasonable $14!

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