Unzip This Ufo Felt Cushion by Luca Cozzi and It Becomes A Mat

Ufo is a fun little object from Italian designer and illustrator Luca Cozzi . The multifunctional design not only acts as a bean bag-like place to sit, but it can also be used flat as a comfy place to relax on the floor. It’s made from two triangular pieces of gray felt that zip together to create a three-dimensional form. I love the red that peeks through from the zipper

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Unzip This Ufo Felt Cushion by Luca Cozzi and It Becomes A Mat

Emoticons by Tomas Ekström

Designer and illustrator Tomas Ekström ‘s new project, Emoticons, tries to unearth and explain the emotional valence of the fundamental elements and principles that constitute the media of form, shape and music. The properties that make up each media is methodically and thoroughly investigated and different ways of manipulating them so as to purposefully communicate a specific emotional message is described in detail in the book Emoticons – The emotional meaning of form, shape & music . Rapture Despondence Repose Dread Elaborate designs, illustrations and music that evoke specific emotions were then created by the artist to showcase how these theories can be utilized in practice

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Emoticons by Tomas Ekström

Earn/Urn by Neil Conley

Throughout his education, Neil Conley has been obsessed with the natural environment and this is reflected in his work both a designer and illustrator. Earn/Urn is the by-product of the Xendless project — Neil’s final year project on the 3D Design course at Northumbria University. The aim of the project was to develop a sustainable carbon-fiber composite, as well as a manufacturing process that made it suitable for the design of fine products. The almost indestructible nature of this material has led to huge amounts of waste around the world. But recent advances in carbon-fiber recycling now make it possible to unlock the fibers from these objects, leaving fibers “as pure as the virgin material,” prime for re-use

Excerpt from:
Earn/Urn by Neil Conley

Mike Perry Eames Chairs

New York illustrator Mike Perry applies his original style to the classic lines and form of an Eames chair. These chairs are drawn on by hand using indelible inks and are signed by Mike. Drawn to order in the classic Eames Eiffel Chair or the Rocker Arm Chair version available through Outdoorz Gallery . ©2010 Design Milk | Posted by Jaime in Art , Home Furnishings | Permalink | No comments | Tweet This | Share on Facebook Mike Perry – Facebook – Furniture – Design Milk – New York City

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Mike Perry Eames Chairs