Shio Otherworldly Lights Made from Salt by Daniel MacDonald

Inspired by a childhood trip to Yellowstone National Park, Daniel MacDonald invented a way to create these orb-like sculptures that he calls shio , which happens to be the Japanese word for salt. The orbs are created in a studio where purified salt is poured over forms made by MacDonald. The salt water flows and slowly builds up over time and the crystals begin to form. occulus (first image also) Each piece is unique and takes about a week to fully form. He’s developed several different “species” or types of shio pieces and each one lights up

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Shio Otherworldly Lights Made from Salt by Daniel MacDonald

Spoon Lamp by Clive Roddy

A lamp made of spoons ? Sure, why not!? UK-based designer Clive Roddy designed this lamp with a lampshade made of spoons. Inspired by pinecones (clever!) when took a visit to Yosemite National Park, Roddy thought he’d try to translate it into a lamp with 115 stainless steel desert spoons. The tripod oak base acts as a pedestal for the sculpture that sits atop it

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Spoon Lamp by Clive Roddy