Quick & Easy DIY: Silver Leaf Frames

A couple of months ago, I saw this DIY on Little Green Notebook using a gold leaf pen to spruce up some frames. Then a few weeks ago, while walking the aisles at Michael’s, I came across the three black frames above for only $3.99 each and I thought I’d try out the pen trick for myself, but in silver instead of gold. Our bedroom walls have been bare for almost a full year now, and I thought these frames would be perfect with some quick watercolors and a coat of silver leaf from the pen, which I also snagged at Michael’s.

Each frame took about 5-7 minutes, if that, and there was really no special technique to share – just shake the pen and paint it on! Sometimes, the paint would go on solid silver and then separate a bit if I went over it. I kept on with this, because I liked how the black of the frame came through a bit, as you can see in the close-up picture. Also, I removed everything from the frame beforehand, so I didn’t have to worry about getting anything on the glass.

Even though the silver leaf seemed to dry rather quickly, I let them sit out for a bit while I painted some quick watercolors and then let those sit for an hour or so before placing them in the frames.

Now I just have to get around to hanging those bad boys up!

More: sixdifferentways.com

The Argonaut Collection

Christina Skouloudi Design Studio and Athanasios Babalis collaborated this year on a series of sculptural forms for the tabletop. Called the Argonaut collection , the series of six objects (five wood and one steel) were designed and made in Greece, but will travel the world in exhibitions, not unlike the journey of the Argonauts.

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The Argonaut Collection