Timeline by Aster Cucine

European kitchen company Aster Cucine has collaborated with American design firm workshop/apd on a new kitchen line, Timeline . Timeline is a sleek and modern series that will blend in well in any modern space, but also works for traditional homes as well. Drawing on the history of craftsmanship and artisans of centuries past, Matthew Berman and Andrew Kotchen, design principals at workshop/apd, created a kitchen collection with a slightly old world look and feel for contemporary life. The collection goes beyond beautiful cabinetry: it also includes countertops and backsplash accents in the finest selection of materials including Venetian ceruse (a whitening compound used in the 16th century on human skin as well as cabinetry) applied to white oak; wire mesh inspired by French country cabinets, antique mirror glass; oxidized metal, weathered steel, and bronzed glass.

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Timeline by Aster Cucine