Recipe Radar: Salmon with Ginger-Scallion Sauce

My obsession with the website Dinner: A Love Story is no secret. Literally every recipe I make from there is amazing. Like put-a-ring-on-it amazing.

One of my favorites is super-easy and super-delicious. All you have to do is throw some salmon to bake in the oven and while it’s cooking, chop some scallions and ginger and mix them with some soy sauce and oil. I usually grate the ginger to save even more time. When the salmon is done, pour the sauce over each piece and serve. This is great with roasted brussel sprouts, or any vegetable you can throw in the oven alongside the salmon!

Here is the full recipe, including the sauce, which they have added a few more items to it since the initial post, but I keep it simple with the four ingredients mentioned above.

In fact, I’m making this for dinner tonight. If you try it, let me know how it comes out!

See original here:

Gisela Stiegler

Vienna, Austria-based artist Gisela Stiegler began creatively as a trained painter but evolved into a sculptor. Her Lampenfieber series, made from expanded polystyrene waste material carved into functional works of art, includes lighting and wall shelves. Once sculpted and lacquered in one of a few colors you would never know they were made from upcycled salmon fish boxes

Excerpt from:
Gisela Stiegler