Recipe Radar: Avocado Banana Smoothie

This past weekend was my bridal shower, where I was fortunate enough to receive a Vitamix Blender. Now, I can’t stop scouring the Internet for soups, smoothies, juices – you name it. Did you know the Vitamix heats up the soups? I had no idea and I can’t believe it. Can’t wait to try it out!

Before I venture into soups, I think I’ll start with some smoothies. I’m thinking maybe a smoothie and soup only diet is in my near future, along with some juices…

The first smoothie that’s on my radar is this Avocado Banana Smoothie. I love avocados and this smoothie looks like a great way to include them. The website that the smoothie is from, SmoothieWeb, has a ton of other great smoothie recipes if you don’t like avocados, or are interested in more.

Do you make smoothies often? What are your favorite recipes?

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