Activity Spaces by Knoll and Antenna Design

Workspaces have been going through a huge shift in recent years with more people collaborating and working in open concept offices, making it necessary for multifunctional and adaptive furnishings. Knoll partnered with Antenna Design to create a new product line called Activity Spaces that let’s you customize your own flexible work environment. I love the Toboggan Chairs (image above) where the raised surface can be used as a desk, armrest, or backrest. Refuge They believe that there are five “go to” spaces that are places, “for temporary group and individual work” that include Refuge, Enclave, Team Meeting, Assembly, and Community. Refuge In addition to Knoll’s already iconic line of office staples, they’ve added some additional products to the repertoire that work in conjunction with the old favorites.

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Activity Spaces by Knoll and Antenna Design

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  1. Friday Five with Andrew Cogan of Knoll
  2. Antenna Desk by Knoll

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