Expedit Meets Enetri

Materials: 2 Expedit 2×4s, 1 Expedit 2×2, 5 Vika Amon Table Tops, 8 Capita Legs, 1 Enetri (discontinued) Description: So my room was getting a bit messy and cluttered and I planned on redoing my computer area. After browsing for some ideas, I ran into ikeahackers.net and my creative ideas came to life! So I browsed Craigslist for some used Ikea furniture. Got all my Expedits for dirt cheap and bought the $6 white Vika Amon table tops. The Expedits from Craigslist were pretty scratched up but I was going to repaint them anyways. So here is the before picture of my room: After painting the Expedits, I placed the Vika Amon table tops on top of the Expedits: After that I cut down my Enetri to the size that I wanted, I installed the Capita legs: Once that was in place

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Expedit Meets Enetri

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