Mike Shinoda

Mike Shinoda Glorius Excess

Remember the band Linkin Park? Of course you do. How about Mike Shinoda?  I recognize the name and immediately think of the aforementioned band, but there’s another term you should start associating with him- artist.

While many people think they are artists (and shouldn’t!), Shinoda backs it up with work that not only caught my attention but that has even been featured at the Japanese American National Museum.  His 2008 show Glorious Excess (Lives) earned him plenty of recognition and his new one Glorious Excess (Dies) takes that to a whole other level – this time really seeming to get the attention he deserves.  His work addresses our society’s obsession with celebrity (which is something that definitely needs to be addressed in my opinion) and although extreme I find it very interesting.

Mike Shinoda Glorius Excess

You can buy his art from his website as a book or as printed on a collection of skate decks (shown above). Money from all artwork and merchandise will go to the Michael K. Shinoda Scholarship at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena.

Go here to read the rest: sixdifferentways.com

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