Post-Holiday Blues

For many, today is the first day back to a full week of work after two weeks of holidays. Factor in all of the holiday preparation before that and all of the undecorating after, and it becomes a case of the post-holiday blues.

Some people I’ve talked to are happy that the hustle and bustle of the holidays are over, which I am too in some ways, but then I look at my empty living room where my tree was just hours ago and it is a bit depressing.

I did a quick search of these post-holiday blues to see what people were saying about it, and I came across a list of ten ways to beat the holiday blues. Many of them include volunteering and doing other good deeds, but one of them hit home to what we’ve been talking about here: decluttering!

As for myself, I’ve been feeling a little bummed the past few days and I think the holidays having come and gone may have something to do with it. That, and the fact that my Christmas tree was infested with gross bugs. Guess I better act on all the decluttering I’ve been talking about!

What about you? Are you feeling the post-holiday blues?


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